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Access memory in a sentence

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Sentence count:33Posted:2020-12-04Updated:2020-12-04
Similar words: random access memoryrandom-access memorystatic random access memorydirect memory accessaccess mechanismif my memory serves meaccessoryremote access
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(31) Dynamic random access memory.
(32) Samsung was the sole profitable firm among major global dynamic random access memory (DRAM) chip makers in the third quarter.
(33) Unlike random access memory (RAM), read-only memory stays intact even in the absence of electrical power.
More similar words: random access memoryrandom-access memorystatic random access memorydirect memory accessaccess mechanismif my memory serves meaccessoryremote accessmemory addressaccessory nerveaccessory after the factmemoryby memorymemory mapmemory cellmain memorymemory unitsave memoryfrom memorymemory lossin memory ofcore memorymemory chipmemory bankmemory cachememory boardmemory tracecache memoryshared memoryflash memory
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